Metabolic Programming is a doctor developed & doctor supervised protocol. The foundation of Metabolic Programming lies in the objective TESTING! We don't guess...we TEST!
We will DIG to find the "root cause" and work to provide a NATURAL & LASTING solution.
As you can see from the above statistics, diabetes is one of the most common conditions in the United States today. However, it is VERY poorly managed with outdated methods that only create higher sugars and instability.
The Standard American Diet (SAD) continues to promote blood sugar disorders and will for years to come. The average American consumes between 150-170 POUNDS of sugar each year! We also know sugar & refined carbohydrates spike INFLAMMATION!
Diabetes is an INFLAMMATORY based condition. We need to de-flame & detoxify! Metabolic Programming could be the solution you've been looking for! This is NOT a "cookie cutter" / 1 size fits all approach. You are UNIQUE and different from everybody else. Your needs will differ from other people. Again, we'll customize a program...based on YOUR lab work, your lifestyle and your habits...that will de-flame, de-toxify, & allow your body to heal naturally...WITHOUT drugs!
Lets take a look at why there is such an epidemic in the modern world.